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You can help save your child's life:


Once someone uses heroin, it won't be long until they are addicted and the drug takes complete control of their life. Although many people believe that they can not pull themselves out of their addiction, it is necessary to know that it is possible because there is help out there! 

Some treatment options include:

  • Suboxone: An expensive antidote proven to eliminate cravings after a week of intensive treatment (Benson)

  • Vivitrol: Most commonly used in prisons and jails, but making its way to treatment centers. It contains an opiate blocker that averts users from getting high (The Associated Press)

  • Methadone: Required to go to a certified clinic to receive Methadone in a liquid form to avoid the severity of pills or injection ("Best Treatments")

Ensure that your child is eliminating contact with other users and dealers

With this soaring epidemic, treament centers have opened up all over the nation. To begin to end this crucial issue with your child and society, all it takes is research to find the most local and affordable plan for your family. Help is out there. 

For more help and to find out what treatment plan will work best for your child or loved one, visit for additional information 

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